Scissor case "curve" by pulz
Hi, this is mina.
Since I've been spending more time at home, I've been paying more attention to tableware than ever before. Even if it's the same dish, eating it on my favorite plate makes me feel better about eating alone.
These days, I think it's important to be particular about the things we use every day.
Speaking of things that we use every day, the tools that are our work buddies are also important.
aruci's scissor cases have an interesting appeal in that the same shape can have a completely different look with different leathers.
We have previously introduced the Mostro Leather Curve on our blog.

Click here for the introduction on the site.
Here is the pulz leather version of this "curve".

The wrinkles and deep color of this leather give it a vintage look. It is a scissor case more than art.
Click here for the introduction on the site.
Mostro leather or Pulse leather.
Which one do you like better?

By the way, if you choose the 2-way shoulder strap, you can carry it over your shoulder like in this picture.

You can also use it wrapped around your waist like this.
We hope you will find your favorite scissor case of aruci, which is full of attention to detail in its shape, leather, and specifications.
It may be raining more and more, and it will be difficult to go out for a walk, but please keep something special close to you to make you feel a little better.