Scissor case "slim beans" by pulz

Good evening, this is MINA.

It was a nice day today, so I went for a little walk. When I looked at my feet, I saw that there were more and more spring flowers in the narrow places along the roadside. Of course, cherry blossoms are attractive, but I was curious about the small flowers that can be grouped together as so-called weeds, and I stopped in my tracks.

Himeodorikouso, Oinonofuguri, Karasuno-endo...

When I was in elementary school, I used to observe the peas in class and play "peep pea" with my friends.

With such nostalgic memories, I'd like to introduce the pea series again.

Last time, we introduced "Mostro leather" slim beans, but this time

This time, we would like to introduce the slim beans of "puls leather".

Slim type bean shaped scissor case

It is designed not only to store scissors and tools in the upper and lower two pockets, but also to attach a thick brush to the side loop and duckle belt part.

With the back flap, it is easy to clean the accumulated hair.

And this "pulz leather" is...

The leather is
dyed in two different colors with different shades.
The leather is dyed in two different shades.

It is the combination of the rounded form of the bean and this atmospheric parous leather.

It's "Shibukawaii" and "Shibukawakko", so you can use it widely regardless of age and sex.

By the way, the color is these two colors.

"Old Tree Cigar Chocolate" and "Deep Sea Blue Green".

Which one do you like better?

There are other series of this pulz, so I will introduce them again.

I'm sure you'll be spending a lot of time at home for a while, but I hope you have a healthy mind and body.